How Do I Know When My Baby Is Ready To Be Born?

All the preparations are complete.  The baby’s room is ready.  The crib sheets are on, the black and white mobile is up, and the suitcase is all packed and directly by the front door-check!  You have both clocked the mileage to the hospital and the time to get there during rush hour and in the middle of the night –your front door to the entrance of the hospital door-check!  The house is child proofed with all the “thing- a ma- jigs” securely placed into all the electrical outlets-check! You have a contingency plan IF dad is not at home when the baby is ready to arrive-check—in fact, you have more than one contingency plans-double check! You have the neighbor(s) --two in fact--, feeding the dog, the cat, and the fish when you leave for that trek to the hospital-check! Now what?

The WAIT!  The Wait! The Wait!  Your doctor has assured you that “you will know” when it’s time to have your baby; after all, he’s delivered ten thousand babies.  But he’s male, so how does he really know? You’re conscientious and have asked what seemed like a million questions:  How can I tell the difference between false labor and the real thing? What about my water breaking? How much do I expect, a little trickle or a gusher?  Will I embarrass myself if I’m out? What does it smell like? Water?  Some of my friends have said it has a skanky odor, like lighter fluid.  Is that true?  How long do my contractions last at the beginning? When I’m timing my contractions, what is the magic amount of time between contractions—before I take off for the hospital?  Should I wait at home until contractions are –ten minutes? Five minutes? Two minutes apart? None of the above?  If my baby doesn’t come by the due date, should I be worried? After all, I have worked right up to the due date and now I’m just waiting. 

If you, as a first time mother are sick of all the myriad of unanswered questions and the doctor’s reply of “you’ll know; don’t worry”, take heart! There is safety in number, after all.  No one knows but baby when “He’ll/She’ll” decide to come.  Actually, baby is already beginning the slow process of worrying you before birth,  and this constant worry continues until 18 years of age and well beyond!  Let’s take this doctor’s advice of “you’ll know” apart and analyze it. 

First, he’s never had a baby, so right off the bat you know the advice seems not well grounded.  He doesn’t know the answers to these questions, so he can weasel out of them by giving this generic statement- “You’ll know”!  If you aren’t satisfied with this statement, well, the first thing I would do would be buy ice cream, and while you’re sitting on the couch anyway, at least you won’t feel guilty feeding your face.  Place the clock close to your comfy chair and watch the seconds tick by as you eat your favorite ice cream and ask yourself why for the life of God the doctor doesn’t  have better answers to your simple, well thought out questions!
Second, if he’s helped deliver so many babies why can’t he give you a more precise birth date for your first child?  He is able to tell you that the eviction date from the womb for your baby won’t be longer than...one week ….or more from the actual due date.  That’s great!  But it doesn’t help you with all the moment to moment worry and jitters you are experiencing NOW!  Everyone you come in contact with asks the same question:  “Haven’t you had the baby YET?”  and “When do you think he’ll come?”  Well if you knew the answer to either of those questions, you would probably have told them –dah!!

You have no restrictions on you other than you shouldn’t fly, but you don’t dare venture off far from home as it could be “any time now”.  Baby now has the upper hand, and he’s not tipping it!  Everyone is offering you tips for nudging baby from his secure resting spot!  Your closest friends are now secretly betting on your due date. Someone’s going to get a boatload of money as eviction day for baby is fast approaching so there are only seven more days until “D-day”.  You can hardly wait.

 The need to have this baby NOW, is fast overtaking the worry and nervousness you once had.  Your acne is kicking up;  you have washed your hair every day, “just in case”;  you’re constipated;  you haven’t had a good night sleep in months;  the baby is kicking you—but now it’s not cute anymore!  It hurts.  He’s sitting squarely on your bladder so you always keep the bathroom door within eye sight where ever you go!  And traveling anywhere now makes you queasy! You vow, never again to have another baby! 

Fear not!  When the actual blessed event occurs, and  when you actually hold your precious baby in your arms for the first time, “mommy amnesia” kicks in, and you will forget all the aches, pain, and worry you had!  And bonus:  Your doc was right all along!  You DID know when to go to the hospital.

Tip:  Listen to and trust your own body to let you know when baby will arrive. You’ve done everything right.   But for now, kick back with a big bowl of your favorite ice cream and eat the whole thing—while you’re waiting!

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