Mom to three small children
first day of school.’ Some newbie school parents will read that
statement with quivering lips; others with the enthusiasm of an over-caffeinated
cheerleading captain. Some newbie
parents will wonder where the time has slipped away to while others will be
excited to finally see that mythical empty laundry basket for new
beginnings. As the days ticked down to my oldest’s first day, I pondered which
team would I be on? Team ‘sentimental saps’ or Team ‘tough guys’?
Being a newbie, I wasn’t sure what to
expect first day. How would I feel? How would she feel? How would I feel about how she felt? (Yeah, I
tend to overthink sometimes…) As a stay at home mom, my daughter Lily has been
my right hand girl these past five years.
She witnessed first-hand my parenting highs and my parenting disasters
learning moments. We have kinda been
learning this parenting gig together, as a team… What was this first day going
to bring?
As dawn broke that first day morning,
the buzz in the house was epic. With
full tummies, pressed clothes and our overdone Pinterest inspired photo
session done, we made the family walk to wave our girl off onto her new
journey. Watching the range of emotions
from fellow newbies, I recognized the common denominator. Whether it was a quivering lip or pep in the
step, the first day of school is as big for parents as it is for kids.

And like every milestone, it has come
and it has gone. I am happy. She is
happy. And I am happy for her happiness.
(There I go again…)
What have I been up to with my new found
‘free time’? Well, I am off to hide mess turbo clean for the impromptu
play date that is always lurking, chuck ingredients into the slow cooker
prep a healthy dinner, and slap on war paint touch up my makeup before I
do the school run. Don’t get me started
on school gate mom code… ;)